Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Weekend to Cooke

So this last weekend Sony and Lauren headed to MN and I went to Cooke City to hang with the rest of the minisotans that weren't in MN. The skiing was good even though we stuck to low angle tree skiing and only got 4-5 runs in it was good snow. The other fun part of the trip was the sweet new sled that Jason picked up for me in bozeman and brought over. It is a 1987 Yamaha exciter 570 sounds pretty sweet doesn't it! well it would be if it ran a little better. If you stop on it it doesn't want to go again so it is full throttle all the time and when it gets up to speed it will go but it doesn't have that drag racer start that is for sure.
The 80's were the best decade for motorized vehicles! 83 xr 500 and 87 exciter! and if I only still had that 89 Trooper we would be styling! I may have to get a bright orange jacket.
Ya its liquid cooled. and bored out to 600. lots of power once it gets going. and like the bike it burns a little oilSo as you can tell I didn't take a single picture the entire time we were in Cooke. The weather was extra shitty on Friday and sat with winds blowing at 30-40 mph and snowing hard and then Sunday was clear and beautiful but I didn't take the camera I don't know why I am kind of kicking my self because it was awesome.

Monday, January 21, 2008


So we here in RL finally got snow and lots of it they (the mtn) is claiming 50" in the past 7 days but I am not sure that is the truth it may be a streach but still the skiing on friday and sat was AMAZING and her is my happy powder face.Friday was pretty cold so there wasn't a lot of people up there but Saturday was a little warmer and the masses were out in full force. still not packed and the skiing and friends were great. Sunday was -5 all day so we decided staying inside was the best idea and it worked out pretty good I would say. I was trying not to leave the house all day but ended up having to go out to have dinner at Mike and Kris's house. That was some good food thanks guys. just as the cabin fever was setting in you guys saved the day. I cant wait to get Lauren out on skis so we can all have this much fun as a family! I guess that means I need to get some four legged skis... ponder ponder?

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Hockey pains

Not much that needs to be said about this. but I love hockey even though it hurts some times.
I am self medicating with beer so no worries!

Monday, January 7, 2008


So as per keith's request here are the new booties. PBR for scale. oh ya and these boots are standard issue lawn dart paraphernalia.


I have been delinquent on my blog for the past few weeks dew to the craziness of the holidays and other such stuff. So you can imagine we have not been board. We had a fun new year, Emily and two of her friends came down from Bozeman and took Sony out to the bars so I got to hang out at home and drink beer with Kim to bring in the new Year! as usual Emily left a bottle of Appltini at our house so I am sure that will be here till the next new year.

We went to Cody WY yesterday for some XC skiing and swimming at there incredibly cool pool. We skied at the Pahaska tepee trails which are really nice and Lauren did unbelievably well in her trailer even talking and laughing at times so we took her to the pool afterward.
She loved watching all the other kids splash around. the pool is really shallow at one end so she could walk around in the water which was really cool.

Oh ya we were in billings last weekend as well and picked up a one piece pajamas for kim it was really funny. Totally worth the $8!

Our two babies.